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Steve Darling- Owner/Collision repair and marine specialist
Steve started Kustomz November 2001. Steve has been in the auto body and customizing industry since 1992.
Steve has an associates of applied science degree in collision repair.
Steve enjoys coaching soccer, riding dirt bikes, camping, boating, jet skiing, and snowboarding.

Tristan Hullihen- Marketing/Operations Director
Tristan has been with Kustomz since 2011. He earned his degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Marketing back in 2019. He now runs our social media, but it's not unlikely to find him in the back getting his hands dirty as well.
He enjoys bike riding, snowboarding, and wakeboarding in his free time.

Austin Franke - Collision Repair and Marine Specialist
Austin has been wrenching on and adding a little cool to his family, friends, and his own personal vehicles for years. He earned his degree in auto body repair from Southeast Tech in Sioux Falls, SD in 2019. Austin is THE MAN when it comes to paint and body.
He enjoys riding bikes, camping and wrenching on his Subaru pictured.

Nate Black - Collision Repair and Custom Fab Specialist
Nate is Kustomz go to metal master! If you need something made from scratch, Nate is the man for the job. You can also find him doing Collision repair when he Isn't cutting our custom builds in half to make something completely one-off and awesome!
Nate has plenty of projects to wrench on at his home shop in his free time. You can also find him around the smoker on the weekend whipping up awesome BBQ for the family.

Josh Harper - Mechanic and Custom Parts Installer
Josh is Kustomz in house mechanic and custom parts installer. Don't mind how dirty Josh might be if you see him bouncing around the shop, that just means he's hard at work getting your vehicle back to proper running order or adding some cool accessories to make your vehicle more "yours".
When Josh isn't working, he enjoys fishing and spending time with his family.

Michele Darling - Bookkeeper and Accounting
Michele has been doing the books for Kustomz for a very long time and has recently taken on a bigger role with the company, now in office full time. It is likely the first voice greeting you when giving us a call will be Michele. Michele is the true Boss of the office!
When Michele isn't working she enjoys spending time with family and sipping on a warm drink from Black Hills Blends.